INCLUDEnyc Branding

Building a beautiful, accessible, and digital-first brand.

Web and iOS view of the Fanatics Live homepage

Our goal in re-branding INCLUDEnyc was to ensure all educational resources are accessible in two languages, support use of assistive technology, meet AA WCAG Standards, update visual design to bring delight and inclusive representation, and comply with any necessary limitations or requirements of awarded grants.

February 16, 2016
My Role
INCLUDEnyc’s mission is to serve young people with disabilities and their families. As manager of Brand and Digital communications, I facilitated the creation of a beautiful, helpful, and accessible brand and digital presence.
  • INCLUDEnyc Executive Director
  • Deputy Executive Director for Programs
  • Communications team
  • Program staff
  • Board of Directors
  • Fundraising director

Our goal in re-branding INCLUDEnyc was to ensure all educational resources are accessible in two languages, support use of assistive technology, meet AA WCAG Standards, update visual design to bring delight and inclusive representation, and comply with any necessary limitations or requirements of awarded grants.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
  • Review legal and grant requirements and restrictions
  • User research - user surveys, stakeholder interviews
  • Documentation of key user flows for a donor, self-advocate, or program partner
  • HTML templates for resources
  • Create all visual design assets and implement style guide updates
  • Preform accessibility audits
  • Iterate

  • Originally, the images, resources, and content on INCLUDEnyc and INCLUYEnyc’s website were Inaccessible for many disabled users, including those that use screen readers.
  • The main goal of INCLUDEnyc is to serve and advocate for young people with disabilities and their families in New York City. In order to best do so, coordination between fundraising, advocacy groups, and families is key, yet they each have entirely different user goals. Therefore, we needed to find the balance of all three.
Reflections + Outcomes

Our efforts resulted in increased traffic on all digital channels, increased revenue via electronic donations through our social channels and website, and updated brand guidelines to include accessibility requirements and digital content.